What is With Love, Racquel?
Hey Mama!
Welcome to the new With Love, Racquel. Whether you have been following me for a while, or are new here, I thank you for visiting this space. For the past five years, With Love, Racquel has been my personal, yet public diary where I shared all of my lessons and experiences in life, love, and laughter. From talking about my fibroids to telling potential employers to pay me for my time, I have welcomed readers into my world, hoping they would see a bit of themselves in each of my words. And just when I thought I had nothing left to talk about, I welcomed my biggest blessing and newfound purpose in July of 2023. My beautiful baby girl who I call, “Sweet Pea.”
After having her, I found myself in search of community. Needing a collective of new moms like myself to share resources and talk about the highs and lows of motherhood. Now, that’s not to discredit the current mothers in my life. But I think every new mom could agree that there’s nothing like being in community with mothers of children in the same age group as yours. And after being fairly unsuccessful in my pursuit, I decided to do what I do best. Create a platform for the exact thing that I was in search of. Or as I was taught at my alma mater, Thee Illustrious Clark Atlanta University, “Find a way or make one.” That brings us here.
After months of agonizing over whether or not I was going to launch a new platform (I’ve even purchased a few domains, smh), I decided to breathe new life into the one that I currently have and give it a rebrand. Shifting from life, love, and laughter, and focusing more on motherhood, wellness, and love.
The new With Love, Racquel gives an intimate look into my motherhood journey by sharing resources (because all mamas need help navigating this role) and reassurance (because all mamas need to be reminded that we’re doing a great fucking job). I’ll also be discussing how I’m balancing this new transition and everything that I’m learning along the way.
I’m so excited to welcome all of you into this space and share what I have learned so far. I think you’re going to like it here. Lord knows, I already do.
With Love,